Aug 4, 2023Liked by Bear Able

I sincerely appreciate your writing...I really do. And I'm fully aware of the merits of calling out absurdity, inanity and diabolical grift wherever it is to be found. But I wouldn't waste my calories or blood glucose on pointing out the sham that this guy is. If we the sane and attentive are to "judge them by their fruits", then Hotez has been pretty productive in dispensing his fruitiness. If there are still people out there (tell me they are in the minority, please tell me) who mindlessly afford him any respect whatsoever, there's probably nothing to be done for them. They are wasted germplasm.

Anyhow, I think the thing we should all be stepping back and reflecting upon or contemplating is why are we being relentlessly carpet/cluster-bombed with absurdity and inanity in the first place? Is this some kind of test? Some kind of "experiment"? It certainly isn't covert or clandestine anymore.

For example, have you looked at the CDC's latest "guidance" on "chestfeeding" and "lactation" in trans men? Sorry..."birthing persons"? (I can no longer keep up with the recalibrations of language and meaning)

This is but one in an infinite constellation of mindfuckery to which we must "react". We - again those of whose who peskily insist on at least making the attempt at sanity in this zombie apocalypse - are forced in to trying to render sensical the patently non-sensical.

Whatever could be the ultimate purpose of this game? Could it be to dismantle our collective minds, to soften up the meat before consumption? Could it be a sort of necessary on-ramp or prerequisite to the next phase of this macabre game being played upon us?

Just a few wildly speculative thoughts.

Keep writing of course.

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Sociopath and opportunist are the kindest terms I can apply to that man....

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